Sunday 26 February 2012

Week 22

Decided to try one more medium: digital painting with some texture images overlay. One of the reasons is the ease of texture representation. (Watercolour wood texture took me 1 hour to paint by hand). Digital version would also be much easier to set up (no need to measure everything with a ruler).

Here is the sheet with Original version and Photoshop Filter Experiments

The "finished" look with assets (window and doors) in it.

For comparison I've produced a watercolour version of the same "scene"

Our group members are taking their time to decide which one of these two versions we want. Next Wednesday, during our meeting I will accept nothing less then a final vote on what media we want things done in. :)

Gathered all the Game Design data available to me and created a Word document template for our final document. Filled in sections that I knew about: like the story and look of the game. It's available now in Dropbox folder for  everyone else to fill in the gaps like level design, gameplay, rules and technical requirements. Alex will have to go through it to make sure it's the way he wants. Hopefully it will speed up the process and we can have a completed Game Design Document soon.

Also been asked to draw some "evil toy" designs. Need two versions of each toy: a regular when light and a dark/evil one when in shadow.

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