Sunday 26 February 2012

Week 23

This week I've prepared a dozen of windows to be used together with the rest of the background stuff:
1 window frame
12 "tree branches outside the window" images and
12 sky/clouds paintings.
All measured to fit with backgrounds and  saved as a separate images for reuse.

Week 22

Decided to try one more medium: digital painting with some texture images overlay. One of the reasons is the ease of texture representation. (Watercolour wood texture took me 1 hour to paint by hand). Digital version would also be much easier to set up (no need to measure everything with a ruler).

Here is the sheet with Original version and Photoshop Filter Experiments

The "finished" look with assets (window and doors) in it.

For comparison I've produced a watercolour version of the same "scene"

Our group members are taking their time to decide which one of these two versions we want. Next Wednesday, during our meeting I will accept nothing less then a final vote on what media we want things done in. :)

Gathered all the Game Design data available to me and created a Word document template for our final document. Filled in sections that I knew about: like the story and look of the game. It's available now in Dropbox folder for  everyone else to fill in the gaps like level design, gameplay, rules and technical requirements. Alex will have to go through it to make sure it's the way he wants. Hopefully it will speed up the process and we can have a completed Game Design Document soon.

Also been asked to draw some "evil toy" designs. Need two versions of each toy: a regular when light and a dark/evil one when in shadow.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Week 21

This week  I have started making first assets for the game. At the moment concentrating on the side scroll view to see what art style we would like to have.
Here  are images of my attempts so far:


Coloured Pencils

Not happy how the  pencil version turned out therefore scrapped it.

I had also applies some Photoshop Artistic filters to see if any of them would enhance the final look of the background image.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Week 20

 In addition to my  Scriptwriter role (Helping Alex with the story) I have been appointed to be Environment Artist - responsible for production of images used for game backgrounds.

While doing some quick pencil sketches for the Side View I've realized that I need exact screen size measurements for the drawings to fit perfectly.

After receiving screenshots of Top, Side and Isometric views started working on a first fully colored background image just to realize half way through that current side level layout isn't composed correctly. There is way too much space left at the bottom of the screen. Possibly even top of the screen.

Therefore went through all the screenshots and marked all the areas I wasn't sure or happy about.

Week 20: Mood Boards

I've also created a mood board.

Similar games: 


I think it has the mood we are going for as well as is set in an old house. Good reference for creepy toys. :)

Week 19

During this week me and Alex worked through the story: who is the playable character, where the story takes place and what's happening, what is the mood of the game etc.

Rest of the team set up a Dropbox folder for file sharing as well as Facebook Group which we going to use for communication. 

I have also made 2 boards concerning Architecture and Interior style we'll have in the game, posted rest of the images that did not make it on to these boards into one of the Dropbox folders.


Week 18

During week 18 our group met for the first time. We got to know each other, found out who's is good at what and what part in a team each of us prefer to play. Also had a general discussion about  our Semester 2 project: what sort of game style and type each of us would like to see developed, if any.
One of the strongest supported ideas was a puzzle game with "avoid shadows" element. Main character in it would be a young girl carrying a teddy bear. 
Some of us decided  to draw some quick character and location concepts for our next meeting.

Here are some of mine: