Tuesday 18 October 2011

ThatGameCompany what a great game company! :)

Thatgamecompany designs and develops artistically crafted, broadly accessible video games that push the boundaries of interactive entertainment. We respect our players and want to contribute meaningful, enriching experiences that touch and inspire them. We seek talent that values integrity and personal growth within an environment of intense collaboration and experimentation.

founded in the Spring of 2006 by Jenova Chen and Kellee Santiago, two graduates of the University Southern California Interactive Media MFA program.

"We call our games “core games.” Core games appeal not only to existing hardcore and casual gaming markets, but also to dormant gamers and even non-gamers. Core games reach these new markets because they are easier and less time consuming, yet possess emotionally rich and powerful interactive experiences."


Cloud (2005) - an acclaimed action flight game that allows players to realize their life long dreams of imaginative flight, manipulating clouds and creating weather. "A childhood dream simulator" is how many of its fans describe it.

It is about a kid kept in the hospital daydreaming himself fly in the sky, making shapes out of clouds and eventually use rain to clean the world. The game was designed to evoke everyone’s fantasy about clouds and flight, and their best wishes towards the nature.

flOw (2006,PS3) - is the natural extension of the original flOw web browser game. It is the debut game of thatgamecompany.

A game about piloting an aquatic organism through a surreal biosphere where players consume other organisms, evolve, and dive into the abyss. With an embedded design of DDA (dynamic difficulty adjustment), players with differing skills levels can intuitively customize their game experience and enjoy the game at their own pace.

Flower (2009, PS3) - concept that challenges traditional gaming conventions. Flower expands the team's tradition of delivering simple gameplay, accessible controls and a medium to explore emotional chords uncommon in video games. In Flower, the surrounding environment, most often pushed to the background in games, is pulled to the forefront and becomes the primary "character." The player will journey through a beautifully vivid and changing landscape in this fresh and genuine game.

The game exploits the tension between urban bustle and natural serenity. Players accumulate flower petals as the onscreen world swings between the pastoral and the chaotic. Like in the real world, everything you pick up causes the environment to change. And hopefully by the end of the journey, you change a little as well.

The goals and journey in each level vary, but all involve flight, exploration and interaction with the worlds presented to you.

Journey (Spring 2012) - Experience the wonder. Discover the journey. Featuring stunning visuals, haunting music, and innovative online gameplay that shatters traditional gaming conventions, Journey delivers an inventive interactive game experience like no other.


• Play alone or in the company of someone else online with the innovative shared exploration for a deeper gaming experience

• Travel and explore this ancient, mysterious world. Soar above ruins and glide across sands as you discover its secrets.

• Gorgeous painterly graphics look like an animated movie rendered in real-time

Great games. I totally love it. Great artwork, great concepts. Gives different perspective on what a computer game is and how to interact with it. Definitely something to inspire for a unique game concept/design.

Journey Demo - IGN Live (E3 2011)

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