Friday 14 October 2011

Brief for Semester 1

Task One:  
Produce a concept design for a large-scale interactive entertainment product.
The design must be consistent in style and demonstrate development in response to a specific entertainment genre or theme.
The final submission should include a development sketchbook including research, a concept document, and relevant concept artwork for the large-scale design. (30% Weighting)

Task Two: 
Create a visually engaging and entertaining piece of programmed interaction using Flash. This does not have to be linked to the large-scale design created in task one.
The finished work should make use of ActionScripting and feature animated elements of your own design i.e. not those given in class. 

(30% Weighting)

Pitch Task
In your pitch you will be required to propose what actions you will undertake in response to the brief, your use of media and how this strategy will lead to a solution.

Critique Task
In your critique you will be required to present your project development work and a description of the intellectual and artistic processes involved.

Assessment Criteria
In your submission you will be requested to provide evidence of the following.
i. Knowledge and Understanding
Demonstrate a solid understanding of the key issues in entertainment design.
ii. Practice: Applied Knowledge and Understanding
Produce and explore creative solutions to design related problems in interactive entertainment.
iii. Generic Cognitive Skills
Analyse the central role of gameplay, interactivity and character in the design.
iv. Communication, ICT and Numeracy Skills
Design, plan and implement an interactive artefact using intermediate
software techniques.
v. Autonomy, Accountability and Working with others
Conform to the criteria of the brief, the pitch and crit sessions, and identify and apply resources as

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