Friday 14 October 2011

More Flash Games

Pretty boring one but I guess that's the point of this particular game. What I did like was the gray colour scheme that fits whole idea, but also now and again there's little bit of colour on the screen to draw attention as well as exaggerate the greyness.


Strange one. Introduction is a bit weird but I guess in a way it explains why some people will find it quite boring. :) Nothing new, original or innovative. Maybe I'm being to harsh. *sigh*

Very simple. You control a pet dog.. no cat...ohh never mind I'm not sure. In any case it's male and called BOY. Reminds of the 'Company of myself' but black and white with red bits.I would play it while waiting for a bus or a train, but definitely not on my PC.

A very strange one. Not sure how to play and don't think I'm interested in finding it out. Just not my cup of tea.:S

Stick Page - web page containing many good and some not so good stick-men Flash games. Shame we are not allowed any stick-men for this module. :D

Lazy Lamb
Funny puzzle game. I like crude hand drawn artwork look.

And my classic!   Prince of persia 
I used to play very first version (black & white only). Ohh god!! Don't even know how many hours I've spent on it. Totally loved it! This one is colour version and animation in my opinion isn't as good as the original one, but still fun.


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