Monday 24 October 2011

Game art inspiration

Now that I have a character and a story  I need to decide on the look of the game. So far my main inspiration is Lithuanian painter and composer Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis

I think his paintings capture the look and feel I want my finished game to have. They have that ethnic fairytale look.

 Sonata of the Sun









Star sonata allegro

Sonata of the sea










You can see more of his paintings online at M.K.Ciurlionis Painting Gallery 

An extract from one of his compositions.  Jura (Sea)

Saturday 22 October 2011

My game concept

After about 2 weeks of struggle and some uninspiring ideas I've managed to come up with a feasible and reasonably interesting  game concept.  Explaining it going to be a nightmare as it is based on Lithuanian poetry and art.
I haven't got a title for the game yet, but the story is  about a 'boy' called white Nothing or Noone.  It is loosely based  on a series  of poems  from a book: 1985.Baltoji varnele: Eilerasciai. Vilnius:Vyturys written by Sigitas Geda (1943-2008).

In these poems Sigitas Geda talks about  a 'boy ' who usually lives in the sky with his father-Moon, mother - Sun and sister-Stars. For some unknown reason he is cast  down or drops down to earth where he  meets and interacts with real and  imaginary creatures while trying to make his way back home.
During his time on earth he has adventures under water, on the ground and in the sky.

Some things he does:

  • herds fish in the sea and animals on land
  • fights mystical beings
  • has parties with his friends: crickets, fish, horses, sea donkey etc.  

How he looks:
white, might be wearing a jumper/shirt, boy, red ball , feather, tree branch.

playful, wise but ambiguous and undecided

Lithuanian musician Vytautas Kernagis (1951-2008) in 1979 released an album called Baltojo nieko dainelės ( en. Songs of white Noone/Nobody)  All the songs  in it have been created using Sigitas Geda lyrics.
Here is the title song White Nothing Song from that album.  (translated by me so might not be perfect) :)

My translation of another Sigita Geda piece.


When there is a dark day-
No animal, nor a man.

Noone, dressed in clothes of iron,
goes to fight!

With a gold belt on his waste
and with sword that made of stars
Noone goes ...

The abyss
From flaming threads!

Wrapped in marine robes,
Thrashing in water
a five-mouthed, six-lipped
And with nine tongues ...

Noone will strike with his sword -
Sulfur will spill.
Noone will rescue the sun,
flowering marine rose,
fern, lamb,
silent evening for his Sisters,
shining little stars, healing herbs.

Then he'll sit down on the sand
and will lay his sword.
Cold sea water will start turning
blue from his voice
Geda, Sigitas. Baltoji varnelė: Eilėraščiai. – Vilnius: Vyturys, 1985.

Extract describing the Marine Donkey


Marine Donkey
Can be very white, ears of lily
and slightly raised ... donkey, donkey,
Tell me why  you come?
Donkey, donkey,
Are you not afraid of the wolf?

Tuesday 18 October 2011

ThatGameCompany what a great game company! :)

Thatgamecompany designs and develops artistically crafted, broadly accessible video games that push the boundaries of interactive entertainment. We respect our players and want to contribute meaningful, enriching experiences that touch and inspire them. We seek talent that values integrity and personal growth within an environment of intense collaboration and experimentation.

founded in the Spring of 2006 by Jenova Chen and Kellee Santiago, two graduates of the University Southern California Interactive Media MFA program.

"We call our games “core games.” Core games appeal not only to existing hardcore and casual gaming markets, but also to dormant gamers and even non-gamers. Core games reach these new markets because they are easier and less time consuming, yet possess emotionally rich and powerful interactive experiences."


Cloud (2005) - an acclaimed action flight game that allows players to realize their life long dreams of imaginative flight, manipulating clouds and creating weather. "A childhood dream simulator" is how many of its fans describe it.

It is about a kid kept in the hospital daydreaming himself fly in the sky, making shapes out of clouds and eventually use rain to clean the world. The game was designed to evoke everyone’s fantasy about clouds and flight, and their best wishes towards the nature.

flOw (2006,PS3) - is the natural extension of the original flOw web browser game. It is the debut game of thatgamecompany.

A game about piloting an aquatic organism through a surreal biosphere where players consume other organisms, evolve, and dive into the abyss. With an embedded design of DDA (dynamic difficulty adjustment), players with differing skills levels can intuitively customize their game experience and enjoy the game at their own pace.

Flower (2009, PS3) - concept that challenges traditional gaming conventions. Flower expands the team's tradition of delivering simple gameplay, accessible controls and a medium to explore emotional chords uncommon in video games. In Flower, the surrounding environment, most often pushed to the background in games, is pulled to the forefront and becomes the primary "character." The player will journey through a beautifully vivid and changing landscape in this fresh and genuine game.

The game exploits the tension between urban bustle and natural serenity. Players accumulate flower petals as the onscreen world swings between the pastoral and the chaotic. Like in the real world, everything you pick up causes the environment to change. And hopefully by the end of the journey, you change a little as well.

The goals and journey in each level vary, but all involve flight, exploration and interaction with the worlds presented to you.

Journey (Spring 2012) - Experience the wonder. Discover the journey. Featuring stunning visuals, haunting music, and innovative online gameplay that shatters traditional gaming conventions, Journey delivers an inventive interactive game experience like no other.


• Play alone or in the company of someone else online with the innovative shared exploration for a deeper gaming experience

• Travel and explore this ancient, mysterious world. Soar above ruins and glide across sands as you discover its secrets.

• Gorgeous painterly graphics look like an animated movie rendered in real-time

Great games. I totally love it. Great artwork, great concepts. Gives different perspective on what a computer game is and how to interact with it. Definitely something to inspire for a unique game concept/design.

Journey Demo - IGN Live (E3 2011)

Monday 17 October 2011

Great Flash games development company Amanita Design

About Amanita Design

Amanita Design is a small independent video game development studio based in the Czech Republic. It was established in 2003 when Jakub Dvorský graduated from the Academy of Arts in Prague with a free online flash game called Samorost as his thesis project. In 2005 Václav Blín joined as a studio animator and Samorost2 was created. Since then, we have found several excellent collaborators: musician Tomáš 'Floex' Dvořák, programmers David Oliva and Jan Werner, painter Adolf Lachman, sound maker Tomáš 'Pif' Dvořák and animator Jaromír Plachý. Besides computer games, the studio created also a couple of music videos, websites, animations, illustrations and production design.

I've first came across these guys in 2004 when my German friend sent me a link to their Samorost point and clock game. I love style of their games. Something unusual but very enjoyable.

Samorost 1

Samorost 2





Samorost 2 Trailer

Over the years they seem to have gone from strength to strength and  in 2009 released Machinarium. Their first full-length adventure game. 
...players take on the role of a robot who has been exiled to the scrap heap. Players must use logic, collect important items, and solve environmental puzzles to get the robot back into the city of Machinarium so he can rescue his robot-girlfriend, save the head of the city, and defeat the bad guys from the Black Cap Brotherhood. 



Machinarium Trailer


Seriously inspirational stuff!
Check out their website for more games and other projects they are currently working on or have been involved in the past.

Botanicula (teaser)

Friday 14 October 2011

More Flash Games

Pretty boring one but I guess that's the point of this particular game. What I did like was the gray colour scheme that fits whole idea, but also now and again there's little bit of colour on the screen to draw attention as well as exaggerate the greyness.


Strange one. Introduction is a bit weird but I guess in a way it explains why some people will find it quite boring. :) Nothing new, original or innovative. Maybe I'm being to harsh. *sigh*

Very simple. You control a pet dog.. no cat...ohh never mind I'm not sure. In any case it's male and called BOY. Reminds of the 'Company of myself' but black and white with red bits.I would play it while waiting for a bus or a train, but definitely not on my PC.

A very strange one. Not sure how to play and don't think I'm interested in finding it out. Just not my cup of tea.:S

Stick Page - web page containing many good and some not so good stick-men Flash games. Shame we are not allowed any stick-men for this module. :D

Lazy Lamb
Funny puzzle game. I like crude hand drawn artwork look.

And my classic!   Prince of persia 
I used to play very first version (black & white only). Ohh god!! Don't even know how many hours I've spent on it. Totally loved it! This one is colour version and animation in my opinion isn't as good as the original one, but still fun.


The Fun Theory by Volkswagen

Bottle Bank Arcade - -

For more similar videos go to

Game examples

Haven't played many Flash games but ......Wow loved this little gem!!! :)


Nice story very simple and sweet. Great artwork. 
I wish I could make something similar. Only problem I think I have difficulties coming up good with stories. :(

Do's & Don'ts

  • Document the development of your concept
  • Try and be innovative
  • Visual Style – be consistent
  • Design for a target audience
  • Design something you would want to interact with. 

  • Don’t be precious with your ideas.
  • Don’t work in a bubble.
  • Don’t do stickmen please.
  • Or Pirates or Ninjas…...or Ninja-Pirates!

Expected Work

  1. Sketchbooks with visual research and development
  2. A Concept Document
  3. A series of .exe/.swf files that demonstrate use of Flash, such as –
  • Controllable character (idle, run, jump)
  • Collision Detection
  • In-game sound
  • Counters
  • Interface
  • Environment Movement
  • Animation

Brief for Semester 1

Task One:  
Produce a concept design for a large-scale interactive entertainment product.
The design must be consistent in style and demonstrate development in response to a specific entertainment genre or theme.
The final submission should include a development sketchbook including research, a concept document, and relevant concept artwork for the large-scale design. (30% Weighting)

Task Two: 
Create a visually engaging and entertaining piece of programmed interaction using Flash. This does not have to be linked to the large-scale design created in task one.
The finished work should make use of ActionScripting and feature animated elements of your own design i.e. not those given in class. 

(30% Weighting)

Pitch Task
In your pitch you will be required to propose what actions you will undertake in response to the brief, your use of media and how this strategy will lead to a solution.

Critique Task
In your critique you will be required to present your project development work and a description of the intellectual and artistic processes involved.

Assessment Criteria
In your submission you will be requested to provide evidence of the following.
i. Knowledge and Understanding
Demonstrate a solid understanding of the key issues in entertainment design.
ii. Practice: Applied Knowledge and Understanding
Produce and explore creative solutions to design related problems in interactive entertainment.
iii. Generic Cognitive Skills
Analyse the central role of gameplay, interactivity and character in the design.
iv. Communication, ICT and Numeracy Skills
Design, plan and implement an interactive artefact using intermediate
software techniques.
v. Autonomy, Accountability and Working with others
Conform to the criteria of the brief, the pitch and crit sessions, and identify and apply resources as