Tuesday 17 April 2012

Week 30

This week I've been asked to draw 1 more side scroll background featuring stairs and straight on "fancy" double doors.

Here are the doors

Stairs background I've split up in to 3 pieces: 1-foreground wall, 2- actual stairs and 3- wall further away. I've also done 2 versions of it. One plane and the other featuring wallpaper.

Since I wasn't sure how the scene will be actually laid out out I've made a single background. That way  Daryl can "cut" it in to whatever shape he needs or  even use it for some other level.

Also because there was a conversation going on about  a possible use of a red carpet I made a quick "test"  in Photoshop using  carpet texture and Artistic watercolor filter.

Next week our group will be recording  sounds for the game so I might be needed at the recording studio and possibly look in to some of the sounds from my previous modules if any can be reused.