Sunday 13 May 2012

Week 33

This week I have:
  • Posted  game tests notes with  the list of all the things that I though were not working or had issues.
  • Combined separate footsteps tracks in to one so that Daryl could  set to loop during game play.
  • Also built/combined an ambient track from a number of sounds we recorded earlier to be played in the background during the game.
  • Painted portrait images for Katherine's picture frames.

  Last image was created using a scan from my life drawing sketchbook (Semester1).

Week 32

This week I was concentrating on other modules and did not contribute anything towards our group project.

Week 31

This week I ended up assisting with audio. Kit, Katherine, Alex and me went on Wednesday to Joe's house and recorded  vocals ( me: whispers , laughs and Willow scream) as well as some ambient sounds for the game. We have also decided to use footstep sounds from my Semester1 project because they were much better than what the guys managed to record so far.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Week 30

This week I've been asked to draw 1 more side scroll background featuring stairs and straight on "fancy" double doors.

Here are the doors

Stairs background I've split up in to 3 pieces: 1-foreground wall, 2- actual stairs and 3- wall further away. I've also done 2 versions of it. One plane and the other featuring wallpaper.

Since I wasn't sure how the scene will be actually laid out out I've made a single background. That way  Daryl can "cut" it in to whatever shape he needs or  even use it for some other level.

Also because there was a conversation going on about  a possible use of a red carpet I made a quick "test"  in Photoshop using  carpet texture and Artistic watercolor filter.

Next week our group will be recording  sounds for the game so I might be needed at the recording studio and possibly look in to some of the sounds from my previous modules if any can be reused.

Monday 26 March 2012

Week 26

This week I've realized that one more side wall and top down floor is needed to avid too much repetition since we won't be using the digital version I've created previously. This time added some details to background images using coloured pencils. Something different but still fits games art style.

Most of my artwork is already in the prototype and looks ok. Game starting to take shape and it's a great boost to keep working and making things better.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Week 25

Already completed all the artwork needed for the game. :) We might be adding more levels later on but no final decision have been reached therefore I'm not sure what room it's going to be set in and what view.

This weeks work:

Top down view walls and windows as well as Isometric view door,

Side View wall

Week 24

Trying to prepare all the necessary background images as soon as possible so we have time adjust it if something is not working. No lazing about this week. :)

Completed 2 Top Down View Floors

Also a Persian carpet which took 6 hours to complete! :O